Neighborhoods Day
The Redford Branch Library will participate in Neighborhoods Day on Saturday, August 7, 2010. The library will be open from 11 - 3 pm. Vendors are invited to come and sell their products and crafts at no charge. We will have a bounce house, refreshments and more. The Rapping Mentor and the Good Kids will perform at 1 pm.
This month's book club selection is The Wave by Walter Mosley. Join the readers on Monday, August 23, 2010 from 6 - 7:30 pm. for a discussion of this book. Stop by the circulation desk and pick up a copy of the book today..
Calling All Book Clubs
We would like to support your book club. Please talk with us if you are looking fora a comfortable meeting location, book swaps or special events.
Teacher's Choice
Teach your students how to use the library for homework help by bringing them on a field trip. We offer several types of programs including "Library Lessons and Stories," "Research Basics", and training on select Detroit Public Library databases. For grades 1 - 8. Reservations required.
Community Arts and Business Browser Mondays
Entrepreneurs and artists will be allowed to set up a table outside the library at no charge to sell their crafts, products or services. This event will run every Monday, from 2 - 7 pm through August 30, 2010. This is our way to say, Thank You to all the vendors who have supported our efforts to raise funds for the needs of the Redford Branch Library. It is also our hope to develop relationships with new vendors and artists.
Additional Information:
The library will provide DPL (Detroit Public Library) tables and chairs to the first 20 participants
Distribution of DPL tables and chairs will begin at 2 pmThose who arrive after the first 20 participants will need to provide their own tables and chairs
DPL tables will be collected at 7 pm
No music is allowed
There will be no early set up by any vendor or artist, the event begins at 2 pm
Computer Classes
Introduction to Microsoft Excel
Friday: August 27, 2010
Computer classes are held from 11 - 1 pm
No registration required, but space is limited. Class cancelled after 15 minutes if there is no attendance.
Community News
It's Election Time!!
Ok, it's time to go to the polls again. Are you one of those who see a familiar name and decide let's choose this one. Or do you just close your eyes and pick someone. Well if we ever want to see candidates selected that will do the right thing, we have to do our homework. So, here are some websites to visit; take some time to review information about candidates in your area.
Help Our Neighborhood Kids!
Here's a great opportunity to get involved in helping our community:
Our very own Communication and Media Arts High School (CMA) in northwest Detroit will receive a building makeover Aug. 1-7 as part of the new NBC series “School Pride.” The show is from executive producers Cheryl Hines (“Curb Your Enthusiasm”) and Denise Cramsey (“Extreme Makeover: Home Edition”) and will air at 8 p.m. on Friday nights this fall.
The show’s producers are spearheading the effort, but they are counting on the community to help transform the aging school building.
Volunteers of all skill levels are welcome. Show your Detroit Pride and help our Detroit kids by volunteering one or more of the following days:
• Volunteers are welcome on any day they choose between Sunday Aug. 1 and Saturday, Aug. 7.
• The shifts are: 8 a.m. -2 p.m., Noon to 6 p.m., 5 p.m.-11 p.m., 11 p.m.-5 a.m.
For more information,
Free School Supplies For Kids
As we move into the month of July, parents will again start thinking about back to school supplies and the like. We sponsor a FREE back to school festival each year featuring free backpacks, school supplies, haircuts, etc for struggling families. We would appreciate your assistance in getting the word out. It doesn't happen until Tuesday, August 17.
Greater Grace Church
23500 W. Seven Mile Rd.
Detroit, Michigan 48219
Attend 3 Businesses with One Vision Fashion Show/Scholarship Giveaway
You are cordially invited to join The Ability House, Education One-CDC, and Giving It From the Source at our back to school youth Fashion Show & Scholarship Giveaway.
This will be a festive event including dinner, dancing, 50/50 raffle, entertainment and a fashion show featuring young and talented Detroiters.
All competing for a "Back to School Scholarships"
Saturday August 14, 2010
from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Click below to register or RSVP.
Register Now!
For more information about tickets and registering for a vendor table don't hesitate to call.
Gwendolyn Britt
Education One, CDC
313 903-6285
Community Program Seeks More Volunteers for Next School Year

M.A.D.E. stands for Men Affirming Discipline and Education.
The program's director, as well as Detroit's acting police chief, say the program has been successful, helping to stop everything from stabbings to fights.
The Detroit Public Schools gave the program a $10,000 grant to help volunteers defray some of the costs next school year.
The program is active at a handful of Detroit schools, and would like to expand next year.
For more information, call M.A.D.E. Men Director James Booker at 313-872-7831
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