Fresh Air
Wednesdays, October 6, 13 20 and 27
From 6 - 7:30 m
Participants will become aware of support networks,
acquire tools and strategies in reference to smoking cessation.
All age tobacco smokers are welcome.
Stitch in Time Sewing Class
Beginners to accomplished seamstresses or tailors
Let's come together and create something
Sew cool, sew fun, sew easy!
Classes will alternate on Saturdays and Wednesdays
Saturdays, October 2 and 16 from 2 -4 pm
Wednesdays, October 6 and 20 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm
The class will continue based on community interest.
Computer Classes
October 23 - Basic Web Searching
Preregistration is not required for any of these classes
Please arrive 5 - 10 minutes prior to the beginning of class, to be certain you have a place in the class
This month's selections is "Sag Harbor," by Colson Whitehead. Pick up your copy at the circulation desk and join us on Saturday, October 23 from 11:30 - 1 pm.
Dr. Conja Wright |
Dear Educators, Community Leaders and Parents:
The Detroit Public Library has purchased a new one to one real time tutoring online platform. It is imperative that we roll this program out at the school, community,and family levels. I require the support of the schools to make this new innovative educational support system available to students. You can go to our website and browse the program.
I would like to arrange at least one training session within your school classroom, LSCO meeting etc.
There should be a minimum of 10-15 participates at a session, and the trainer said that he could handle 50-60 participates; but it gets hard to handle questions with that many people.
Please send me the date, time that you would like to have your session; plus a back up date and time. The trainer can start coming out as early as next week Thursday, September 30 through Friday, December 17, 2010 between the hours of 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; M-F. The trainer will not be available Monday, November 1-Friday, November 5, 2010. Dates will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis.
Also, please make sure that the location has a projection system where the trainer can connect his computer.
Please let me know if you think that your school is interested This is an opportunity to place another strategic instrument in our learner's toolkit!
Dr. Conja Wright
313 481-1821
Summer Activity at the Library
Education One presents The Greening of Our Youth Summer Enrichment Program. Throughout the month of August, participants were engaged in academics (reading & math) and the Arts. The program centered around keeping our youth engaged in the learning process and prepared for the coming school year. I am taking this time to say, "thank you" to our participants, parents, the Redford Branch Library, and program volunteers - Ms. D. Booker of The Reading Group, Ms. Mixon of Love's Precious Gifts, my son Duane Gholston - Visual Arts Major at Wayne State University for their commitment and drive. I look forward to continued summer and in-school programming at the Redford Branch Library.
Mrs. Gwen Britt
Community News
Help Gleaners Feed Hungry Kids
Weingartz will Double Your Donation
250,000 children in our area receive 2 out of 3 meals at school. On the weekend,
they often go without. Gleaners backpack program sends kids home with 7 pounds
of food they can easily prepare themselves. Please join the Weingartz family and
help us feed our hungry neighbors.
Donate online via credit card at:
Donate over the phone by calling 1-866-GLEANER
Mail a check with your donation to:
Gleaners Community Food Bank
P.O. Box 1380
Troy, MI 48099-1380
Note: Please include Mow Down Hunger in the memo to ensure matching.
Make check payable to: Gleaners Community Food Bank
Text a donation of $10. It will be automatically added to your phone bill.
Text "EAT" to 85944
Drop off nonperishable food to any Weingartz location between
September 13 and October 18.
Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan
2131 Beaufait
Detroit, MI 48207
Mobile Phone Updates: You can now get Gleaners updates on your mobile phone!
Just text GLEANERS to 27138.
Become a Facebook fan and follow us on Twitter!

The concert features award-winning artist Marvin Sapp, Brian Courtney Wilson and other gospel favorites.
Join hundreds in celebration with local gospel choirs to raise awareness about the risk factors and warning signs of stroke- the No. 3 killer.
Free health screening session will begin at 5:30 pm, followed by the
free concert at 7 pm.
Become a Power To End Stroke member and receive the benefits thousands of others already have. Go to:
For more information contact:
Toni Price
(248) 936-5832
The Bristol-Myers Squibb/Sanofi Pharmaceuticals Partnership is a National Sponsor of Power To End Stroke.
Event Sponsors:
Detroit Medical Center, Michigan Chronicle, Mix 92.3, Fm 98 WJLB, The CW 50
Neighborhood Energy-Savings Outreach
DTE Energy is offering its Neighborhood Energy-Savings Outreach in Detroit to help you save money and take control of your energy costs.
They are currently visiting Detroit neighborhoods to provide residents with advice on how to understand their energy use and save more money.
If you choose to participate, they will assess the energy efficiency of your home and discuss ways to lower your energy costs. Plus, they professionally install FREE energy and water saving products in your home, including:
- Compact fluorescent light bulbs
- Water saving shower heads
- Water saving faucet aerators in kitchen and bath
- Hot water pipe wrap
To set up your FREE in-home appointment, call 1-877-497-2191
Volunteers are needed to help watch over our neighborhoods during the annual Angels' Night campaign October 29, 30, and 31. Please consider helping out with the Angels' Night effort in one of the following ways:
• Register Your Community Event
• Watch Your Block
• Patrol A Neighborhood
• Adopt-A-House Program
• Turn On Your Porch Light
• Wear an Orange Ribbon to Show Your Support
For more information, call the Angels Night Volunteer Hot Line at (313) 224-4415, go to the City's Web site at or contact your local Community Access Center f/k/a Neighborhood City Hall.
Please note: Community Access Centers f/k/a NCH have undertaken a consolidation of its offices. The West and Northeast offices have been merged into the following four offices:
• Northwest, 19180 Grand River, 870-0649
• East (at Butzel Family Center), 7737 Kercheval, 628-2170
• Southwest, 7744 W. Vernor, 628-2180
• Central, Coleman Young Municipal Center, 2 Woodward Ave., 224-2989
hi i like the blog very much.