Monday, November 1, 2010

Library and Community News for Novemeber - 2010

It's Toddler's Story Time!

On Thursdays, November 4 , 11 and 18 from 10:30 - 12:00 pm, parents/guardians and children can come to the Redford Branch Library for story time and a take home craft activity.  Garden planning and outside activities will take place if the weather permits.

The McDonald's "Win a Book Bag Lottery" and Bookmarks which can be traded in at participating stores for a free happy meal will continue to be available until December 31, 2010, for more information ask at the Redford Branch circulation desk.

A Stitch in Time Sewing Classes

Alternating Wednesdays and Saturdays - November 6, 10 and 20
On Wednesdays from 4 - 6 pm and on Saturdays from 2 -4 pm
Co-ed intergenerational sewing classes for beginners to tailors. Projects are class devised and you may work at your own pace.  Ages 8 years old and up.

Thanksgiving Creative Writing

Saturday, November 6,  from 2 - 3:30 pm
Students will create their own verse or rap about the things for which they are grateful.
All ages invited.

Gobbler Note Holder

Saturday, November 13 from 2 - 3:30 pm
Participants will make a note holder to hang on the refrigerator, door etc.
Ages 5 and up.

Preston Banks
 Interviewing Skills and Strategies

Saturday, November 13, from 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Presented by Preston Banks of Resume Solutions, LLC

The workshop will be interactive and will cover topics such as:
  • The importance of learning about the company
  • How to dress for success
  • Tips for answering interview questions
  • Preparing questions to ask
  • How to close your interview
  • Role-play interview opportunities
  • and much, much more
There is limited seating for this event, please call the library to reserve a seat:  313-481-1822

EducationOne Tutoring

Mondays and Thursdays, November 15, 18, 22 and 29, from 4 - 5:30 pm
Academic tutoring for students and homework help

Meet the Author...

Versandra Kennebrew

Versandra Kennebrew will be with us on Monday, November 15 at 6 pm presenting her book,"Thank God for the Shelter, Memoirs of a Homeless Healer."
Homelessness is a real problem in America and Ms. Kennebrew has experienced it first hand.  Come hear her share her experiences and how she overcame the odds and reaches out to help young people who are homeless.

Here's more information about Ms Kennebrew:
Hunter House is the brainchild of homeless advocate, author and holistic health champion, Versandra Kennebrew. She is a member of the National Coalition for the Homeless, an elected community service representative for the Community Service Commission of the Detroit Department of Human Services, Spirit of Detroit recipient and she travels around the country speaking to audiences large and small about the issues of homelessness. Hunter House provides safe, supportive and affordable housing for 4-6 young adult ladies age 18 - 20.

Kennebrew has developed a life recovery system based on her own homeless experience and recovery. She shares this life changing system with people in transition through group coaching, presentations and her interactive book, journal and audio book (life recovery kit).

When she took a long look at the problem of teen homelessness around her own home in Detroit, MI, she decided that prevention was where her energy was needed most. She hopes Hunter House will become a model that will dramatically reduce the number of homeless teen girls.

Hunter House residents will be mentored by a live-in mentor (college student) who will assist with life skills training and monitoring house rules. Although the referring agencies are responsible for teaching life skills, providing a case worker and placement in school or job training programs for the residents, Hunter House will also offer an entrepreneurship training option.

In addition, residents will be encouraged to maintain their health and well-being through weekly movie nights, a holistic library, group coaching sessions and activities such as walking, yoga and trips to cultural institutions.

Fact - 1 in 3 homeless people are under age 18. Many of those homeless young adults have “aged out” of foster care and did not have a permanent, safe place to live and transition into self-sufficient adults.
The above information was taken from Ms. Kennebrew's website,
Find out more information by calling 313-443-2571

Book Club Open House

Thursday, November 18, 6:15 - 8 pm
@ Main  Branch - 5201 Woodward Avenue  313-481-1339

Join us for an evening of relaxed conversation and friendship as we present new books to consider for your reading list.  Nibble on hors d'oeuvres, meet representatives from the library's book clubs, and learn how the library can support new and established reading groups.
Free parking in the Employee's Lot after 6:15 pm.  This event is free, but reservations are required by calling 313-481-1339.

Thanksgiving Magnet

Saturday, November 20, from 2 - 3:30 pm
Participants will crate a comical yet functional refrigerator magnet.
Ages 5 and up

Redford Readers Book Club

Join the readers on Saturday, November 20, from 11:30 - 1 pm as they discuss the book Honeymoon, by James Patterson @ Redford Branch Library.

Here's the dish...
How does it feel to be desired by every man and envied by every woman? Wonderful. This is the life Nora Sinclair has dreamed about, the life she's worked hard for, the life she will never give up. Meet Nora Sinclair.

When FBI agent John O'Hara first sees her, she seems perfect. She has the looks. The career. The clothes. The wit. The sophistication. The tantalizing sex appeal. The whole extraordinary package - and men fall in line to court her. She doesn't just attract men, she enthralls them. If you dare.

So why is the FBI so interested in Nora Sinclair? Mysterious things keep happening to people around her, especially the men. And there is something dangerous about Nora when Agent O'Hara looks closer - something that lures him at the same time that it fills him with fear. Is there something dark hidden among the unexplained gaps in her past? And as he spends more and more time getting to know her, is he pursuing justice? Or his own fatal obsession?

The above information was taken from

Computer Classes
All classes are held 11 - 1 pm

Basic Computer Skills
Saturday, November 6

Microsoft Word - Introduction
Saturday, November 20

Preregistration is not required for computer classes.  Please arrive 5 - 10 minutes prior to the beginning of class to be certain you will have a place in the class.

Community Butterflies
A local artist paints these butterflies and has them posted all around the neighborhood and now our library has them. These are some of the folks who work in the garden with Dr. Wright. They were present when the butterflies were delivered by Ms. Atpeace Taylor in the purple gele.

Girls, Ages 8 -12 Sign Up Now for G.L.O.W!!
We are excited to announce that G.L.O.W. (Girls Living On Wisdom) an interactive  performing arts, graphics and written word experience for young girls ages 8 - 12 will begin in December at the Redford Branch. The program will run on Wednesdays from December 1 through January 5 (except Christmas week)  Registration is open NOW, sign up at the library or call 313-481-1822.

Community News

National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week

November 14 - 20, 2010

Each year, one week before Thanksgiving, National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness co-sponsor National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. During this week, a number of schools, communities and cities take part in a nationwide effort to bring greater awareness to the problems of hunger and homelessness.

Want to raise your awareness, get involved or donate?  Visit

Voices for Michigan's Children

Detroit's African American and Latino young men are in a crisis of epic proportions. Come join the first of a series of community conversations and be a part of finding the solution.

Boys of Color: Perilous Times
November 20, 2010
8 a.m. - 3:30 pm
Marygrove College
8425 W. McNichols, Detroit

Visit our Detroit Neighborhoods page on our website to see more about what Michigan's Children is doing in Detroit.

Program Sponsors:

Michigan State University
Marygrove College
Knight Foundation

Skillman Foundation - Resized

Kresge Foundation

Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan                   
©2010 Michigan's Children
428 West Lenawee
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 800-330-8674 or 517-485-3500
Fax: 517-485-3650


Wayne County 4-H Mentoring Program

The Wayne County 4-H Program is looking for donations to fill Thanksgiving Baskets this year.  You can begin making donations now until November 19.  Donations can be dropped off between the hours of 9 am to 4 pm at the address listed below.
They also need volunteers to assemble the baskets on Friday, November 19 from 5 - 7 pm.
The location for donation drop off and volunteers is 640 Temple, Detroit, MI on the 6th floor.
Contact Anthony Osley for detail on donations and to volunteer @ 313-833-3605

Youths interested in becoming a part of the 4-H Mentoring Program should contact Anthony Osley at the phone number above or via email

 Attention Wayne County Youth

If you would like to learn or you already have the skills, join Michigan State University Extension Archery Program "Aiming for Excellence"
2010- FALL SESSION I Facilitated by Gary Williams MSUE/Michigan DNR
Free to all youth from the ages of 10 - 17 yrs. Old **To Participate you must register on the first date of each session** 

Recreation Center
10500 Lyndon
Detroit, MI
Beginners and Intermediate

Registration Date





For other locations and times for this activity click below.

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